Beli utk setup satu PC dgn spec i5-4590 , R7 250. Customer request. Murah skit katenya berbanding dgn GX550. Sy tk tau apa perbezaan yg ketara. Tp betul ckp dia, murah skit.
Mengikut review dr Tom's Hardware:
Computer power supplies are only 55-80% efficient. That means with a cheap power supply, nearly half the energy consumed is wasted. At least 80% efficient power supplies are required to get the EPA Energy Star label, but even then up to 20% of the energy consumed is wasted. (Tom's Hardware)
Oooo...patutlah ada istilah energy efficient ni utk brg2 elektrik dllnya. Jadi kalau beli power supply yg murah (semulajadinya kurang juga energy efficiency), maka bil elektrik pulak la yg mahal kan? Betul ke?
Apa maksud 'wasted' disini? Kalau lampu yg dinyalakan dgn 80% efficiency, akan lebih terang ke berbanding dengan yang dinyalakan dengan 55% efficiency shj (pd watt dan vlt yg sama?) haaa..
Mengikut website ni ,
You should know that energy can be 'wasted' during energy transfers, and you should be able to calculate the efficiency of a device.
'Wasted' energy
Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transferred from one form to another or moved. Energy that is 'wasted', like the heat energy from an electric lamp, does not disappear. Instead, it is transferred into the surroundings and spreads out so much that it becomes very difficult to do anything useful with it.
Makin sy nk ambil tahu pasal benda2 ni, makin pening pulak rasenya.
Jadi penting juga utk tgk power supply berapa watt nak guna. Kalau nk kira purata, utk proc ni dlm 70wtt, gpu tak smpai 100wtt, 2 hdd tak smpai 100wtt, RAM ciput sj dia guna, Dll.